How California's Climate Success Depends on Zero Emission Vehicles
Written by Center for Biological Diversity Staff
Assembly Bill 2127 Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Assessment
A California Energy Commission Staff Report
The Drive Clean in the San Joaquin program will help you to replace your old vehicle with a newer, cleaner model!
Location: San Joaquin Valley
Find out more here: https://valleycan.org/vehicle-replacement/
Drive Clean in the San Joaquin has two programs to help you purchase a new clean vehicle. If you own a 1999 or older vehicle, Drive Clean in the San Joaquin will help you replace it! Their Rebate Program provides rebates to Valley residents and businesses for the lease or purchase of new, clean-air vehicles.
Location: San Joaquin Valley
Find out more here: https://www.valleyair.org/drivecleaninthesanjoaquin/
Clean Cars For All provides grants for income-qualified Bay Area residents to retire their older car and replace it with a plug-in hybrid, battery, or hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle, or to get a pre-paid card for public transit or e-bikes.
Location: the Bay Area
Find out more here: https://www.baaqmd.gov/funding-and-incentives/residents/clean-cars-for-all
Replace your older, high-polluting vehicle with a newer vehicle, upgrade to a hybrid or electric vehicle, or get vouchers for car-sharing or public transit passes. The program is limited to vehicle owners residing in the jurisdiction of the South Coast Management District who meet the income and vehicle requirements.
Location: Orange County, parts of Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernadino Counties
Find out more here: https://xappprod.aqmd.gov/RYR/
Clean Cars 4 All is a Sac Metro Air District program to help income-qualified residents buy a zero or near zero emission car. To participate, you must turn in a 2005 model year or older car.
Location: Sacramento County
Find out more here: http://www.airquality.org/SacCleanCars4All/Pages/default.aspx
The Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP) promotes clean vehicle adoption in California by offering rebates of up to $7,000 for the purchase or lease of new, eligible zero-emission vehicles, including electric, plug-in hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles.
Location: California
Find out more here: https://cleanvehiclerebate.org/eng