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We believe the urgency of the climate crisis demands that Californians rise up and address our single largest Greenhouse Gas contributor: transportation.


We are calling for a simple goal: all new vehicles purchased in California will be zero emission vehicles by 2030. Striving towards this goal will drive the innovation and investment necessary to make affordable and ubiquitous zero emission vehicles a reality for everyone within 10 years. Looking at how the technology has progressed within the last few years, we know that achieving this goal is practical and possible. 

Why We Need ZEV2030.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) tells us we have 6 years to transform our economy, the way we live, where we live and how we move to avoid the worst of the climate crisis. Their analysis was stark and the goal clear: to avoid the most catastrophic effects of climate change, we need to slash emissions 45% below 2010 levels by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050. 


While the state has addressed many of the major drivers of greenhouse gases, the transportation sector now constitutes the largest portion of California’s greenhouse gas emissions. Given that transportation makes up over 40% of all GHG emissions in California, it is essential that we address this sector if we are to achieve our emissions goals. 

Already, 10% of new cars purchased in California are electric vehicles. We are home to the largest electric vehicle manufacturer in the country, after all. The technology exists; we just need the political will to ramp up production and reduce costs. 

The Technology is Here.

Today, technology is outpacing our laws. Major car manufacturers, including Volkswagen and Daimler, are already planning to eliminate the purely internal combustion engine from their lineups before 2030.  Prices are rapidly dropping due to scaling and innovations.  


The technology for 100% adoption of ZEVs exists - it is no longer accompanied by images of flying cars and other far off technological advances. Blaming the lack of adoption on technology is no longer a viable option. 


We have the resources, we have the technology - it is time for our policies to catch up with the advancing technology. 


Our mission is to advance the goal of achieving 100% of new car sales of light utility vehicles, (passenger cars, SUVs, trucks) in California by the year 2030.

We are out of time to take small steps to avoid the worst consequences of climate change. That we must act boldly to change our trajectory. And we need a goal in order to get there.​

ZEV2030 seeks to be a unifying voice around phasing out fossil fuel cars as quickly as possible, starting with a singular focus on the goal of 100% sales of zero emission vehicles in California by 2030. 

Building The Consensus

ZEV2030 is building a large and diverse group of individuals, companies, and organizations that support the goal that by 2030 in California 100% of new vehicle sales will be zero emission vehicles. The larger this group becomes, the more likely we will get the attention of policy makers and others who can clear roadblocks and help achieve this goal. We urge you to sign our pledge now. 


One of the challenges to widespread support of ZEVs, is changing the current paradigm that electric vehicles are only for true believers, to one that ZEVs are not only an improved mode of automobile transportation (when that is necessary) but an economical and realistic climate solution that offers to make California a leader in clear car technology and manufacturing. 

ZEV2030 provides a constant communication stream that factually supports the feasibility of achieving a 2030 goal by using this website (see News) as well as social media accounts including Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook, ZEV2030 distills and shares the best articles about the pace of zero emission vehicles development, their benefits and declining costs, and why a 2030 goal is attainable. Working with our partners and supporters, we encourage active participation in the dialog online and offline about how to accelerate ZEV adoption in California.

Renewable Energy Advocacy

To simply transition to electric vehicles is not enough. Part of the discussion of transportation electrification must be about renewable energy because EVs are charged with an energy source. Until renewable energy is the standard in the U.S. and the world, ZEV2030 will continue to advocate for the transition to renewable energy.


Doug Linney

Founder and Executive Director​

Doug has served the environmental community of California for over 35 years as an advocate, political strategist, coalition builder, and fundraiser. In 1996, he founded The Next Generation (TNG) in an effort to advance the environmental agenda by offering campaign services and political strategy to nonprofit organizations, environmental coalitions, and progressive candidates.


Doug has run numerous campaigns at the state, regional, and local level and has specialized in water, energy, forestry, and environmental tax reform issues. In 2002, he was recognized with the Mark Dubois River Conservationist Award given by Friends of the River. His environmental service includes past or present membership on the boards of directors for the California League of Conservation Voters, Friends of the River, ecoVenture, Green Capitol, the Planning and Conservation League, and the East Bay Municipal Utility District.


From 1988 to 1994, Doug was the Political Director of the California League of Conservation Voters, a public interest organization that supports environmentally minded candidates for public office. Doug received his Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Public Policy from the University of California, Davis.


Throughout her life, Molly has fostered a love and sense of necessity for environmental conservation and sustainability. She received her Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Studies with a Minor in Spatial Sciences from the University of California, Santa Barbara. 

As the Program Director, Molly focuses her research on electric vehicles, energy and transportation trends, and related policies, specifically policy gap analysis to locate where our environmental policies fall short when it comes to implementing renewable energy and electric vehicle standards. She oversees various projects and creates content that is used to help ZEV2030 accomplish its mission.

Molly Yoon

Program Director

Meet the Team
Our Mission
Program & Projects


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John Boesel

President & CEO, CALSTART

As the President and Chief Executive Officer of CALSTART, John Boesel is dedicated to the growth of a clean transportation technologies industry that will clean the air and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 


John first joined CALSTART as the Vice President of Technology Programs. Then in 2001 the Board of Directors promoted him to the position of President and CEO.

John serves on the Advisory Board for the Precourt Energy Efficiency Center (PEEC) at Stanford University and the Advisory Board for the University of California, Davis Institute of Transportation Studies.

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Steve Smith

Astronaut, Business Leader, Diplomat 

A former astronaut and  globally respected business leader and diplomat, Steve Smith is also an electric vehicle  evangelist.

He's a graduate of Stanford Business School (and the only MBA ever selected to be an astronaut by NASA), has two electrical engineering degrees from Stanford, and started his career at IBM in semiconductor fabrication.  


Steve flew in space four times traveling 16 million miles and circling Earth nearly 650 times. His view from space gave him an unshakable appreciation of the Earth as an island oasis, as a place we are privileged to be, and as a place must protect for future generations. He recognized its fragility and the immense threat of climate change. As he puts it, "Earth's sirens are sounding" and we need to change the way we treat and respect Earth.

After his fourth mission, Steve served as a Diplomat for 12 years as a liaison to both the European and Russiain Space programs. He now serves as director on multiple boards, consults to Silicon Valley venture capitalists, and is a corporate motivational speaker.

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Hunter Lovins

President & Founder, Natural Capitalism Solutions

L. Hunter Lovins is a renowned author and champion of sustainable development for over 35 years, Hunter has consulted on business, economic development, sustainable agriculture, energy, water, security, and climate policies for scores of governments, communities, and companies worldwide. Within the United States, she has consulted for heads of state, departments of defense, energy agencies and hundreds of state and local agencies.


Hunter is the President and Founder of Natural Capitalism Solutions (NCS), a non-profit formed in 2002 in Longmont, CO. She believes that citizens, communities and companies, working together within the market context, are the most dynamic problem-solving force on the planet. She has devoted herself to building teams that can create and implement practical and affordable solutions to the problems facing us in creating a sustainable future.

Advisory Board

Contact Us

ZEV2030 is a California-based nonprofit 501c3 coalition of climate leaders committed to implementing a zero-emission vehicle standard in California by 2030. We believe the urgency of the climate crisis demands that Californians rise up and address our single biggest climate contribution: transportation.

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510 3rd Street, Suite 200b, Oakland, California, 94607


Proudly created by Tubbard Development

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